For Members
Pool Rules
All members and their guests must sign in.
Children under 12 years of age MUST at all times be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
Children 12 years and older may be accompanied by a guardian 14 and up ONLY WHEN LIFEGUARDS ARE ON DUTY.
Children 14 years and older may be at the pool unaccompanied by a parent/guardian ONLY WHEN LIFEGUARDS ARE ON DUTY.
Children 16 years and older may be at the pool unaccompanied by a parent/guardian.
Only swimming attire is permitted to be worn in the pool.
Private lessons are not permitted, except those that are arranged through the Head Swim Instructor.
Front flips, back flips, and/or back dives are not permitted from the side of the pool.
Diving is permitted only in the deep-end area past the hand rails
Climb onto flotation devices from the water, not from the pool deck. No standing on flotation devices.
Be courteous to other members. Pushing, hitting, dunking, spitting or other roughhousing and excessive yelling and screaming is not permitted.
During adult swim, no one under the age of 16 is allowed in the pool. Parents may take an infant in the pool as long as they are holding them at all times.
Toys are permitted when used in a safe and courteous manner.
Food and drinks are not permitted within 6 feet of the pool.
Babies must wear swim diapers in the pool.
No running in the pool deck area.
Rescue equipment is for rescue use only.
Glass containers are NOT permitted on the premises.
No one having a communicable disease in an infectious state is permitted to use the pool or the facility.
No one having diarrhea in the last 14 days shall enter the pool water.
Maximum user capacity of the main pool is 120.
Maximum user capacity of the wading pool is 10.
Individuals failing to comply with the pool rules or health and safety guidelines, or who are unsafe, unruly or disrespectful will be asked to leave by the lifeguards or management.
General Facility Rules
All members and their guests must sign in.
Roughhousing, profanity, hitting, spitting and fighting are not permitted.
Smoking and vaping are not permitted.
Pets, glass, and gum are not permitted.
Skateboarding, rollerblading, scootering, and biking are not permitted .
No food or drinks other than water are allowed on the Tennis Court.
Music is not permitted with the exception of suitable background music played by lifeguard staff or management.
Members are not permitted in the guard shack, mechanical room or storage room without prior approval.
All individuals (including babies) must wear clothing or swimming attire.
Individuals failing to comply with the pool rules or health and safety guidelines, or who are unsafe, unruly or disrespectful will be asked to leave by the lifeguards or management.
and Guest Policy (2024 season)
Upon arrival at the club, all members are to sign in with the following information:
Your membership number
Last name on the membership
Number of members visiting
The number of guests
(The sign-in sheet is located next to the lifeguard chair closest to the shallow end).
There is a maximum of 7 guests per visit.
Each membership is granted 10 free guest visits per pool season. Each individual visitor is counted as one guest.
After the 10 free guest visits have been exhausted, members will be billed via email for all subsequent guests at the rate of $5.00 per guest visit.
All guests must be accompanied by their host member at all times while using the club’s facilities. Guests must follow all club rules. Members are responsible for the behavior of their guests. Guests must leave the facility when their host member leaves the premises.
Parents are responsible for informing their children of the Guest Policy. The Guest Policy will be enforced during all hours of operation.
Members may be required to show identification and attendants or lifeguards may check the number of guests at any time while they are on duty.
For Paid-for Parties & Events
Invited guests attending a paid-for party or event hosted by a member do not count towards the member’s 10 guest passes. In these cases, the guests are considered paid for by the event reservation fee. However, should the number of guests exceed the reservation limit, the member shall pay $5 per guest over the limit.
NOTE: The party agreement states that the host member must remain on the premises during the duration of the party/event and that all guests must leave at the conclusion of the event as listed on the event reservation.
For Leased Memberships
Names of individuals who have leased a membership from a member must be listed on the membership roll held by the attendant(s) on duty. If their name is not listed, they will not be allowed to enter the facility. It is imperative that members who have leased their membership for the season complete the Membership Transfer Form and submit it to the Secretary.
Employment Opportunities
Want to work at Hacienda? Learn more about lifeguard and maintenance opportunities »
Pool Board
Jesse Ellsworth, President
Desiree Dictor, Vice President
Leta Tabish, Secretary
Laurie Machuca, Treasurer
Thor Parker, Facilities Director
Jeff Bowen, Communications Director
Pool By-laws
Update Your Member Contact Information
For members who want to update their contact information, fill out the form below. Keeping your contact information up to date is important in order to receive important information and updates throughout the year.